Why hope and pay for leads when you can get real leads from your network of business connections. With myNETWORK from JustMy, you and your buds can share leads with ease. All you do is create a network of like minded businesses and we take care of the rest. You can add your network to your business cards and to your website and automate your networking.
Coupons, Deals, and Offers
Once you have your Network set-up, next create offers to perk interest in your brand! We are even making it easy to share offers by text, email, and social media.
Track, Say Thanks, Repeat . . .
We are building an impressive tracking tool so that you can keep up with your leads and where they come from. Thank your business partners by sending them more leads. When you work together, everyone wins!
Request Only Beta Testing
The #FunCrew of JustMy is testing myNETWORK for the next few months. If you want to try myNETWORK, email hey@justmycities.com and we will get you set-up! Go ahead and email us now, we got you!
It's time to put myCARD to work, let's GO! Start by checking out the in depth guides or our helpful videos that are hidden behind the play buttons.