Behind the Scenes: Heal the Hood Foundation - Empowering Our Youth
July 19, 2024
As we look to the future of District 12 and Memphis as a whole, organizations like Heal the Hood play a crucial role in shaping that future.

By Erika Sugarmon, Shelby County Commissioner for District 12

As your County Commissioner for District 12, I'm excited to shine a spotlight on one of our community's most impactful youth organizations: the Heal the Hood Foundation. This remarkable initiative, based right here in our district, is making significant strides in empowering our young people and creating positive change in our neighborhoods.

The Mission of Heal the Hood

Heal the Hood Foundation was founded with a clear and crucial mission: to provide our youth with alternatives to violence, crime, and self-destruction. Through a combination of mentorship, education, and community engagement, this organization is working tirelessly to create a brighter future for our children and, by extension, our entire community.

Key Programs and Their Impact

1. Mentorship Program: Pairing young people with successful adults from our community, this program has helped countless youth find direction and purpose. We've seen improved school attendance and grades, and a decrease in disciplinary issues among participants.

2. After-School Tutoring: By providing academic support, Heal the Hood has contributed to higher graduation rates and increased college admissions among our district's youth.

3. Community Service Initiatives: These projects not only beautify our neighborhoods but also instill a sense of pride and responsibility in our young people.

4. Arts and Culture Programs: Through music, dance, and visual arts, Heal the Hood is nurturing creativity and self-expression, providing positive outlets for our youth's energy and emotions.

5. Job Skills Training: This program is equipping our young people with valuable skills, increasing their employability and economic prospects.

The impact of these programs has been profound. We've witnessed a decrease in youth-related crime in areas where Heal the Hood is active, and an increase in community engagement among our young people. The ripple effects of this positive change are felt throughout our district and beyond.

Challenges and Needs

Despite its successes, Heal the Hood faces ongoing challenges. Limited funding and resources often constrain the organization's ability to expand its reach and deepen its impact. There's a constant need for more mentors, tutors, and volunteers to support the growing number of youth who could benefit from these programs.

How Memphis Can Support Heal the Hood

As a community, we have the power to amplify Heal the Hood's impact. Here's how you can help:

As we look to the future of District 12 and Memphis as a whole, organizations like Heal the Hood play a crucial role in shaping that future. By investing in our youth, we're investing in the long-term health and prosperity of our community.

I encourage all of you to learn more about Heal the Hood and find ways to get involved. Together, we can support this incredible organization and help create a brighter, safer, and more prosperous future for all of us in District 12 and beyond.

Remember, when we heal our youth, we heal our community. Let's stand together in support of Heal the Hood and the vital work they do for our children and our future.

Heal the Hood Foundation in the News

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Erika Sugarmon County Commissioner District 12

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Erika Sugarmon County Commissioner District 12

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