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Joe B Kent
ENTITLED: Chamber Chairman’s Circle

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Joe B Kent
COMPTROLLER: Why Jason Mumpower? Findings included mismanagement of inventory, inappropriate personal use of a city owned lawnmower and questionable bid practices. Public loss findings were less than $10K.

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Joe B Kent
THE GREATEST BOTCH: Education and Workforce Development Can Mayor Harris be worse than Strickland? He is working hard at it as it always seems to be a race to the bottom in Memphis.

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Joe B Kent
STATE BOTCH: Memphis Education and Workforce Development Take a look at Workforce Development in Memphis!

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Joe B Kent
MFM: Can a Public Private Partnership Work for Memphis?

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Joe B Kent
NEEDED: Adequate Memphis Comptroller Office Staffing A State of TN failure with inadequate Memphis Comptroller office staffing.

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Joe B Kent
HERENTON: So, What About Him? Taking a look back at the Herenton era compared to today...

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Joe B Kent
THE FEAGINS INHERITENCE Feagins battles an unexpected load that irritates her quest to turnaround MSCS....

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Joe B Kent
NEW MATA BOARD: Doing the Real Work of a Public Board ENCOURAGING - Real public board meeting work happening for the first time in 10 yrs in Memphis.

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Joe B Kent
OPPRESSIVE RACIALLY DIVERSE ELITISM: Will it be Confronted at the DMC? Chandell Ryan is fiscally liberally supporting squandering more money downtown with even more excessive PILOTs

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Joe B Kent
BOTCHED COUNCIL VOTE: MFM Dies on Second Council Reading The video examines Council debauchery, botched procedure and the legislative death of More for Memphis (MFM)

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Joe B Kent
MLGW BUDGET: Squalling on Energy Burden but No Action Pictured above: MLGW Chair Phillip Spinosa, MLGW Vice Chair Pearl Walker, Budget Chair Chase Carlisle, Council Chair JB Smiley and Chair Elect Ford Canale.

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Joe B Kent
DISEMBOWELED: MLGW Historic Capital Underspend Without public checks on MLGW spend and budgets the benefit of a public utility vanishes.

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Joe B Kent
COUNTY/CHAMBER: Workforce Scandal Do Shelby County taxpayers deserve checks and balances?

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Joe B Kent
5 LOCAL SCAMS: Chamber in Close Proximity As fiscal agent of the Greater Memphis Workforce Development Board (GMWDB), Chamber is involved in another workforce development botch.

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Joe B Kent
WHALEY BOTCH: More (Taxes) For Memphis An extension of obscene public redundancy and non-transparency

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Joe B Kent
MATA: No Coverage of Council Oversight Botch What is up with the local "free press" and Council MATA oversight questioning?

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Joe B Kent
MLGW: Sick Daily Memphian BTH Infomercial and MLGW Budget MLGW Board needs data standards to oversee and check MLGW administrative budgets.

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Joe B Kent
Like MATA, MLGW Ripped Off Too ??? Without Board standards, MLGW spending is out of control !

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Joe B Kent
BOARDS: MATA Now MLGW - FY25 Way Forward Not What Ratepayers Bought Pictured top to bottom: JT Young (former MLGW CEO), Mitch Graves (MLGW Board), Doug McGowen (MLGW CEO)

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Joe B Kent
MATA COVER-UP? An active operational conspiratorial coverup appears to have unfolded before the Memphis public.

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Joe B Kent
FAILED OVERSIGHT: Sheraton, MATA and Failed City The Memphis City Council does not care to practice public financial oversight

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Joe B Kent
JB Smiley in Action JB Smiley shutdown of public discussion

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Joe B Kent
SHERATON: Taxpayers Pay with Memphis Closed for Business It's the same small few getting publicly rewarded again for running the City into the ground.

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Joe B Kent
SPORTS AUTHORITY: Memphis Can’t Afford More Bad Public Deals As those on the City Council have said, "No more bad deals".

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Joe B Kent
PUBLIC FAILURE ARCHITECT Concerns rise over the Memphis Sports Authority's leadership under Alan Crone, echoing failures of the River Parks Partnership and public funds misuse.

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Lame Council Are City Councilors able to access the Internet for information?

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Joe B Kent
FAILURE: MRPP, DMC GARAGES AND SPORTS AUTHORITY The Elitists have failed Downtown and the City. There must be a better way.

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Joe B Kent
NIGHTMARE: Downtown Leadership Most are still around, while intimately interacting in various capacities with public-privates.

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Doing The Right Thing but Will Need Help After properly resizing, MATA will need help from those that can help.

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Joe B Kent
MLGW: Transparency and Mid-Year Review Most concerning is the moral hazard created by the excess cash on MLGWs Gas balance sheet

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Joe B Kent
MRPP: Enslavement and Taxpayer Bailout Almost everyone in the City is against MRPP, yet the Mayor and Council insist on enslaving the taxpayer to MRPP.

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Joe B Kent
HARRIS: Negligence, Incompetence, and Inequality Is it only Wanda Halbert? Think again.....

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Joe B Kent
NOT RACISM: What Happened to District 8? I despise problem misdiagnosis as with the current day local claim of “systemic racism”.

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Joe B Kent
HISTORIC COUNCIL: MRPP Mud Island Oversight Mud Island Gateway and Park have tremendous potential but remain neglected and unmaintained.

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Joe B Kent
AGREEMENT ON: Transparency and Oversight? Can we agree on transparency and oversight?

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Public Transportation and Poverty We will take a shot at understanding, as taxpayers want to know what is really going on with their $80M Memphis public transit agency.

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Joe B Kent
COMMISSION: Generational Wealth Transfer Commission approves generational wealth transfer with additional funding to support almost $1 billion in stadiums

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Joe B Kent
IMPOUND LOT: Transportation and Poverty Business Bain describes situations where poor people begged him to allow them to get their baby’s and personal belongings out of their car before their personal vehicle was auctioned off.

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Joe B Kent
INFORMATION: Political Correctness, Hypocrisy and County Commission Do local leaders want better information? Not in my experience, as I have provided local electeds with sourced public information for years...

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Joe B Kent
HISTORIC COUNCIL: Do They Care? The FY25 budget season was riddled with waves of multimillion dollar surprises stemming from poor public financial transparency and oversight forwarded by the previous Memphis City Council.

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Joe B Kent
REFORM NEEDED: Managed Agreements Monthly financial public accountability is what is needed if there is to be any real public oversight of the riverfront.

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Joe B Kent
$1B STADIUMS: No Public Outrage, “Social Justice” and Higher Taxes! The enormity of Memphis public spends, in context with basic public needs is astounding. The combined FedEx Forum and Liberty Bowl spend will approach $1B, when including interest. And there is no public outage! NONE.

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Joe B Kent
DATA: Chamber Workforce, Tanking Employment and Credibility Based on history, the Chamber should have little if any credibility. Take for example workforce development.

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Joe B Kent
MRPP MUD ISLAND: What Happened Here? Coletta’s City Council testimony mirrored Duckett’s column, where Coletta stated $4M in Accelerate Memphis money had been spent by MRPP on 21 Mud Island…

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Joe B Kent
WILLFUL NEGLECT OR BOTCH: City Budget Process Riddled with missteps, the FY25 City of Memphis budget processThe enormity of the missteps points toward willful neglect when coming from re-elected competent City Councilors.

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Where is the Money? Where is the money from the endless listing of Congressman Steve Cohen multi-million-dollar MATA post COVID funding announcements over the past few years?

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Joe B Kent
TAXPAYER REBUTTAL: No City Property Tax Increase The below FY25 City of Memphis budget recommendations results in no property tax increase and $7M more for additional public programming.

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Where is the Press Coverage? Wanda, Wanda, Wanda. Where is the press coverage on the troubled $70M Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA)?

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Why All the Chamber Love and What Happened? Unavailable MATA information raises concerns regarding FY25 MATA budget increases of $5M+.

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Joe B Kent
MATA: Transit Vision Botch but Hope for On Demand - JustMyMemphis Since 2002, fixed route ridership declined across the peer group, with Memphis declining more than the peer average. | Joe B Kent

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Joe B Kent
Are tax breaks to boost big business in Memphis working? | News | The Chief Administrative Officer of the Shelby County Assessor's Office weighs in along with an economist and a taxpayer advocate to answer if Shelby County is getting its money's worth out of the big business tax breaks.

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Joe B Kent
UNSUNG HEROES: Checking Excessive Corporate PILOTs - JustMyMemphis Though Commissioners prompted the report, it has not been scheduled for a formal hearing before the County Commission.

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Joe B Kent
Memphis giving away $30M a year in company tax breaks | News | FOX13 YOUR MONEY INVESTIGATION: Memphis and Shelby County are giving up millions of dollars in property tax breaks to companies every year.

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Joe B Kent
MLGW: Where is the Press and Suburban Partnership? - JustMyMemphis It does not exist in the Tennessee General Assembly. And where is the local press reporting on this important bill? | Written By: Joe B Kent

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Joe B Kent
EPICENTER: No Board Fixes Looking the Other Way - JustMyMemphis No one seems to specifically know about where Epicenter money goes or follow-on private investment. | Written by: Joe B. Kent

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Joe B Kent
RIVERFRONT: Taxpayers Did Not Sign Up For This! | Written by: Joe B. Kent - JustMyMemphis This budget season, along with MRPP designate Councilor Phillip Spinosa, Council Chair JB Smiley and Council Parks Chair Jeff Warren should lead the shutdown of MRPP.

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Joe B Kent
EDUCATION: Disruption Could Work; But State Credibility? | Written By Joe B. Kent - JustMyMemphis in the State House. He, like White, had aIt’s time for White to hang it up, even though his proposal for an expanded MSCS Board may have merit.

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Joe B Kent
City Hall and The Public-Private Albatross | Written By: Joe B. Kent - JustMyMemphis Mud Island gateway is closed, construction at City Hall has been halted and remains unfinished after 3.5 yrs., but construction is booming at the currently legally contested Downtown Brooks Museum?

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Joe B Kent
EDGE Parking Grant; Sterick Not That Great | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis Excess public cash in Memphis goes to corporations, affluent developer interests and public-privates; not where public investment is most needed.

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Joe B Kent
COUNCIL: Reconsider $27M Spectrum and Reject Rate Increase | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis The MLGW Board is behaving much like an extension of the FedEx/Memphis Tomorrow (FMT) public-private complex. It’s a complex that promises much, while delivering very little and taking from the public.

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Joe B Kent
MLGW RED FLAGS: Accountability is not Crucifixion written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis This rate increase is being sold by the media and MLGW, as $5 more per month, to residential customers. Does anyone see any red flags here?

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Joe B Kent
JUST SAY NO TO MLGW 12% RATE INCREASE: GET BACK TO REALITY! Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis 1,374 tree miles could be cut, in Memphis, for around $13.2M. But the MLGW FY24 tree trimming budget is estimated to be a whopping $45M!

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Joe B Kent
FAILURE: Memphis Public Privates and Transparency | by Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis As taxpayers fund PP organizations, with millions, the public cannot see what is going on with their tax dollars.

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Joe B Kent
ENOUGH ON CRIME. WHAT ABOUT WORKFORCE? | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis Discover the untold story of workforce development in the Memphis Mayoral race and why it's crucial for the city's future in our eye-opening article.

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Joe B Kent
BOTCH: Riverfront Steering Committee (Part II) Will Ryan Fix the Riverfront Steering Committee? | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis Will McGowen’s successor, City of Memphis Chief Operating Officer, Chandell Ryan course correct away from lacking transparency and deliver a publicly functioning RSC?

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Joe B Kent
BOTCH: Riverfront Steering Committee (Part 1) Now McGowen with MLGW? | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis Can Doug McGowen clean-up MLGW or is this another botch in the making? After McGowen’s leadership, under Mayor Strickland, of the mysterious Riverfront Steering Committee, it’s anybody’s guess.

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Joe B Kent
AGRICENTER: The Unknown | Written by: Joe B Kent - JustMyMemphis Taxpayers’ duly elected representative, on the Agricenter Commission, is County District 5 Commissioner Shante Avant. Does Avant want taxpayers to know about Agricenter?

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Joe B Kent
MLGW: 2023 Financial Review and Board Expansion By: Dr. Rachel Bauer, Lloyd Brown, Glenda Hicks and Joe B. Kent

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Joe B Kent
MLGW FINANCIALS: Backwards Historic Council | Updated 04.17.2024 The Historic Council is taking the City further backwards in willfully refusing to perform their MLGW oversight duty, while leaving Smiley unquestioned in his not allowing the public to comment on the MLGW consent agenda.