Protecting Our Freedom to Read
Local & National News | September 08, 2024
In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury describes a world where books are illegal and "firemen" burn them to keep people from thinking independently.

In recent months, Tennessee has become a focal point in the debate over book bans, a situation that reminds me of Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. I want to speak out on this important issue and stand up for our right to read and learn freely.

In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury describes a world where books are illegal and "firemen" burn them to keep people from thinking independently. This kind of censorship is used to control people and stop them from having new ideas. Unfortunately, what's happening with book bans in Tennessee today feels a lot like this story.

Laws like the Age Appropriate Materials Act have increased the number of books being banned, especially those that talk about LGBTQ+ topics, sexual content, and violence. While some say these bans protect kids, they actually stop young people from seeing different viewpoints that help them understand the world better. Many students, teachers, and free speech supporters are speaking out against these bans because they see the harm they can cause.

Most people in Tennessee don't support these book bans. A poll by the EveryLibrary Institute shows that more than two-thirds of voters here are against banning books. This was clear during the March for Libraries in Nashville, where many people gathered to support our libraries as places of learning and growth.

The similarities between what's happening now and Fahrenheit 451 should make us think twice. Censorship, whether in a book or in real life, is dangerous because it stops the flow of ideas. As we face this challenge, we should remember the lessons from Bradbury's novel and work to protect our freedom to think and learn.

As your candidate for State Representative, I promise to fight against censorship and support policies that let our kids read a variety of books and stories. Let's work together to keep Tennessee a place where knowledge and different ideas are welcomed, not feared.

Banning Books in the News!

Learn more about Derek Hawn

Derek Hawn

State Representative for Tennessee's 41st District

Derek Hawn

State Representative for Tennessee's 41st District

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