Building a Stronger Future: Why Infrastructure Investment Matters
June 01, 2024

To attract new industries, we must strengthen our infrastructure. Industries will only choose locations that offer real growth potential, and right now, our district isn't ready to welcome the industries we need. We must invest in better roads, bridges, expanded rail systems, secure internet, and reliable utilities to show that this area is a place where future industries can thrive and grow.

Under the current administration, billions of dollars for infrastructure have been distributed, but our district has not seen its fair share. We need a representative who will fight for the funds to complete the I-55 bridge, replace the I-40 bridge, and build a third bridge to serve northern Shelby and Tipton County. This is essential to attract greater industrial capacity, beyond Blue Oval.

We also need to completely overhaul our aging utility grid and internet infrastructure to ensure we're prepared to support current and future industries. This isn't just about urban areas—it's about creating opportunities in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods and rural areas. We must fully capitalize on our district's potential, ensuring growth reaches every corner.

Our district has underperformed in securing funding in these critical areas. I will work tirelessly to make the case for our district, so we see the investment needed to improve our infrastructure.

Lastly, we must develop sites specifically to attract major industrial operations. Mega sites in the 9th district will provide the infrastructure to attract high-paying, skilled labor industries and equip our workforce to excel in these jobs. Currently, neighboring districts in Mississippi and Arkansas are leveraging our resources with their federally recognized mega sites. I am committed to helping local governments and chambers develop multiple mega sites within our district, signaling to the world that TN-09 is ready to welcome new industries.

You need a leader who will fight every day for the dollars to improve our district's infrastructure, ensuring we are ready to host the industries of tomorrow. I am that leader, and I am committed to building a stronger, more prosperous future for our community.

Press Contact: Deedrick Jeffries, Campaign Manager. 901-568-4465,


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Corey 4 Congress

Corey Strong is qualified
to put Memphis and the 9th district back on the map

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