How Do You Maintain Your Septic Tank?
Home Ideas by JustMy | June 27, 2021
Septic tanks are a necessity in homes around the country, but they can cause problems without maintenance.

So, how do you maintain your septic tank?

Septic tanks are important to many different homes and communities. They become a tool that families rely on. That’s why it’s important for anyone with a tank to know how to properly care for it. If you don’t take care of your tank, you’ll have a lot of issues over time. That’s why you should know the answer to, “How do you maintain your septic tank?”

Divert Water

One of the first things you’ll want to do is divert any water flow away from your drain field. Excess rain and water can jam up your system, causing a lot of buildup and other problems. That’s why you should make sure that your drain field is clean and clear of any unnecessary clutter.


Get in the practice of running frequent and thorough inspections of your septic tank and all its accompanying parts. Identifying problems and issues early on is how you prevent lasting damage and fix problems before they become massive issues. 


Pumping is one of the best ways to maintain your septic tank. It’s an intensive process that cleans your tank of buildup, and it requires many steps. Most tanks need to be pumped every three years, with minor cleanings in between the pumping. Research your specific tank’s recommendations. 

Water Efficiency

You should control how much water you push into the septic tank. A good way to control this is with water-efficient toilets and other water-efficient utilities. Pouring in too much liquid at once can cause problems for a septic system.

Tank Lids

Constantly ensure your septic tank lid is on tightly and securely. Leaving it open can cause a whole host of problems in the long run. Store any extra lids nearby, so if yours breaks, you can easily replace it.  

So, how do you maintain your septic tank? By following this simple guide on what you need to do. The most important thing is the frequent inspections, as they’ll help you catch any problems you might otherwise miss.


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