Even if you diligently watch the weather forecast, heavy storms can strike with little notice. These events can harm your property and cause costly damage to your home. For this reason, make sure you’re doing everything you can, both before and during the rainfall, to increase your house’s chances of emerging unscathed. These are a few noteworthy ways to protect your home from a severe storm and save yourself from grueling future repairs.
Loose-hanging branches are one of the most prevalent causes of roof, siding, and window damage during storms. Therefore, you’ll likely want to cut them down before the winds send them flying. Taking this time now can protect your home from a multitude of threats and preserve the different aspects of your property for years to come. For the best results, cut these branches back at least three feet from your roof’s edge.
Caring for your gutter system will also keep your home safe from a storm. These fixtures direct as much water away from your home’s foundation as possible. This is what ultimately reduces your chance of flooding and protects your belongings during extended rainfalls. As such, you must perform any necessary repairs or get this system replaced if you find it isn’t working correctly.
Another important way to protect your home from a severe storm is to maintain a direct line with a septic plumbing professional. Heavy rainfalls cause a series of septic issues that can hinder this system’s functionality and prevent it from draining wastewater properly. This could leave you in a tough—and unhygienic spot—should your plumbing back up into the home. Fortunately, calling a septic tank maintenance service right away can get this problem under control before it evolves into something worse.
Resealing your windows and doors can help as well. When water enters your home, it most often does so through these points. This is due to the fact that your home shifts and these fixtures warp so that they don’t fully match up with their frames anymore. When this happens, you can develop drafts, and your home will more easily sustain water damage. Therefore, resealing these areas with caulk every several months can do more than you might think.