#PitchCLUB for Candidates: Let's get you On-boarded

To get you fully set up and utilizing all the powerful tools at your disposal, we have outlined a comprehensive on-boarding process. This includes six essential steps:

Our dedicated Team at JustMy is here to support you through each step, ensuring a smooth and successful on-boarding experience. Let's get started!

Step One

Review and Approve:

Your Link:


It's important to ensure that all the information and media on your card/listing is accurate and up-to-date. The video will walk you through the process of reviewing and editing.

The Pitch Interview overviews your candidacy. The Content Hub details issues. Email Blasts engage supporters. myFORMS collects data seamlessly. JustMy manages these critical tools, allowing you to focus on messaging and voters.

Click Icons to Play

Pitch Interview

Deliver a succinct "elevator pitch" highlighting your core message and key reasons for running, allowing voters to quickly grasp your candidacy.

Content HUB

Share educational content articulating your stance and policy positions on key issues, informing voters of your platform.

Email Blast

Consistently communicate with supporters, share updates, solicit donations/volunteers, and maintain engagement via email blasts.


Create online forms effortlessly to collect data like volunteer signups, donations, and survey responses without coding.

myCARD on the Campaign Trail

Home Screen

Keep your digital card readily accessible on your phone's home screen. This ensures your professional brand is just a tap away for any spontaneous connections or conversations on the trail.

Text It

When engaging potential voters or discussing your platform, you can instantly share your digital card via text message. This provides an easy way for people to access your contact details, campaign website, and other resources right on their phones.

Email It

Include your digital card link in email signatures and newsletters to your supporters. This seamless access to your professional profile reinforces your brand and facilitates further engagement.

QR & Bio-Links

Integrate your digital card's QR code and link across all your campaign materials - from printed handouts and mailers to social media bios. This omnipresent availability ensures your card is just a scan away, allowing voters to easily connect with you digitally.