Tips For Brand Building With Web Design
July 02, 2020

The concept of branding may seem simple, but it’s actually quite deep and complex. Branding is much more than a catchy slogan, a logo, and a design scheme. It is the experience a company offers its customers. It determines how audiences see what you do and how they feel about it. Branding helps you win new customers and retain their loyalty, which makes it instrumental for your business. Web design can help you build a brand suitable for your target audience. Designing a great site for your brand gives you the opportunity to create a powerful first impression of your company and its services with your visitors, and you know how important first impressions are. In this article, we’re offering some useful tips for brand building with a web design that will help your site reach its full potential.

Choosing the right color palette

A brand is like a work of art that consists of many elements such as slogan, logo, and color palette. Colors are closely linked to emotions. For example, the color green is associated with nature, peace, and health, while black can symbolize luxury. Therefore, green is a more suitable color for healthcare brands, and black is often the color of choice for luxury brands. Brands in the entertainment industry often choose the color red, as it is the color of energy, power, passion, and excitement.

Our first tip for building a brand with web design is to wisely select a color palette for your brand. When choosing colors, think about what your brand represents and how you want your audience to perceive it. Consider which emotions you want to evoke. In addition, consider that the same color may have different interpretations in different cultures. This is particularly important if you are targeting an international audience.

Page layout tips for brand building with brand design

Although there are no strict rules, you should be familiar with the basic page viewing pattern studies. Since people pay more attention to the left half of a web page, it is recommended to place your branding elements on the top left corner of the page. Google’s studies reveal that people view a site in an F pattern. The bottom left side is also an area people notice. Your CTAs such as sharing buttons should be placed in that corner.

Logo design, placement, and size

Visual recognition is a huge part of branding. If your design, style, and logo are recognizable, you have succeeded in building a strong brand. Before selecting your logo design, you should ask yourself what your brand represents. Avoid designs that are controversial or overcomplicated - a simple logo will be more memorable.

Logo placement and size are also important elements of brand building with web design. Your brand logo should be one of the first things visitors notice when they enter your site. If you place your logo strategically, people will notice it. The accepted norm is to put it in the upper left corner of the page since that’s where most visitors will look for it. You can also infuse it into page design via the navigation bar. Make the logo big enough to get noticed immediately. Also, it is a good idea to link the logo image to your site’s home page.

Selecting the right graphics

The graphic impact is an essential factor in branding. The correct use of imagery can make your website stand out. On the other hand, small, blurred, and unnecessary images repel visitors. Use large and crisp images with ordinary-looking people, as they get more attention from the viewers than models.

Remember that SEO is an important part of the process. To level up this branding tactic, add optimized ALT tags to your images. All of your images should contain an ALT attribute with branded text. Appropriate ALT tags will enhance the visual identity of your brand when someone searches for your company.

Using the appropriate voice

The language you use when addressing your audiences speaks volumes about your brand. It should fit the brand’s personality and the demographic you are targeting. Both formal and informal language can be used to convey the same message. You need to choose the kind of language your target audiences will understand and respond to. For example, if your audience are teenagers, your tone should be informal. A formal tone is more appropriate for serious business people.

Creating a consistent design

Brand building with web design requires consistency. A smooth, cohesive, blended design will make your brand memorable and help visitors navigate your site with ease. On the other hand, an inconsistent approach to elements such as font, colors, graphics, or formatting will turn off visitors. To create consistency, use one font for all of your headlines and another font for the body. Use the same format for each page to create harmony and help your viewers find what they are looking for. A consistent design will also make your site perform better, which will further improve user experience. For example, reusing content such as graphics will help your site load faster.

Creating a unique brand

Following all these tips for brand building with web design is advisable but not enough. Choosing the right color pattern and the right voice is great, but will it truly set you apart? Branding is all about getting noticed and making your business stand out from your competitors. Making your brand unique is the hardest task. It takes creativity and a lot of effort, but it all pays off once people start coming back because they remember you.


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