Gloria Johnson: A Voice for Gun Safety and School Security
Meet The Candidates | June 08, 2024
When I heard the news, my heart broke for those families and for the entire community,
A Tragedy That Shook the Nation

In the aftermath of the devastating school shooting in Tennessee that claimed the lives of six individuals, including three innocent children, Gloria Johnson found herself at the forefront of a battle for common-sense gun reform. As a member of the "Tennessee Three" – a group of lawmakers who courageously protested for stricter gun control measures – Johnson faced a Republican-led effort to expel her from the state legislature, a harrowing ordeal that she narrowly survived.

A Tragedy That Shook the Nation

On April 24, 2023, the unthinkable happened in the small town of Covenant, Tennessee. A heavily armed gunman opened fire at Covenant Christian Academy, a private school serving students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The attack left six people dead, including three children aged 9, 11, and 14, and several others critically injured.

The tragedy sent shockwaves throughout the state and the nation, reigniting the long-standing debate over gun violence and the need for stricter regulations. As the details of the shooting emerged, it became clear that the gunman had legally obtained the weapons used in the attack, despite a history of concerning behavior and mental health issues.

A Call to Action

For Johnson, a former special education teacher and a tireless advocate for students' rights, the Covenant shooting was a call to action. She knew that the time for thoughts and prayers had long passed, and that concrete steps needed to be taken to prevent such senseless acts of violence from occurring again.

"When I heard the news, my heart broke for those families and for the entire community," Johnson recalls. "But I also felt a sense of urgency – a need to do something, to take action, to ensure that no other parent, teacher, or child would ever have to experience such a horrific tragedy."

Johnson, along with two other Democratic lawmakers, Representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, took to the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives to demand action on gun control legislation. Their protest, which included the reading of the names of the victims and a call for a special session to address gun violence, was met with swift backlash from Republican leaders.

The "Tennessee Three" and the Fight for Expulsion

In a move that drew national attention and condemnation, the Republican-controlled House voted to expel Johnson, Jones, and Pearson from the legislature, citing their protest as a violation of decorum and disruption of proceedings.

The expulsion effort, which Johnson and her colleagues dubbed a "vengeful" and "undemocratic" act, sparked outrage among advocates for gun reform and civil rights groups. Protests erupted across the state, with thousands of Tennesseans rallying in support of the "Tennessee Three" and their fight for safer communities.

"We were simply doing our jobs – representing the voices of our constituents and advocating for policies that could save lives," Johnson says. "The fact that our colleagues saw fit to punish us for that is a testament to the lengths they're willing to go to protect the interests of the gun lobby over the safety of our children."

In a dramatic turn of events, the expulsion vote narrowly failed for Johnson, with a single Republican breaking ranks to vote against her removal. Jones and Pearson, however, were expelled, sparking further outrage and protests.

A Renewed Commitment to Gun Safety

Despite the tumultuous events surrounding her near-expulsion, Johnson remained resolute in her commitment to advocating for common-sense gun reform measures. She doubled down on her efforts, calling for universal background checks, red flag laws, and a ban on assault-style weapons – measures that have been shown to reduce the risk of mass shootings and gun violence.

"The tragedy in Covenant was a wake-up call for our state and our nation," Johnson says. "We can no longer sit idly by while our children are gunned down in their classrooms, their playgrounds, and their places of worship. It's time for action, and I'm committed to being a voice for those who have been silenced by the gun lobby's influence."

Johnson's advocacy has garnered support from a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals, including survivors of gun violence, law enforcement officials, and mental health professionals. Her campaign for the U.S. Senate has become a rallying cry for those seeking to break the cycle of inaction and bring about meaningful change in the realm of gun safety.

"Gloria Johnson is a true champion for our children and our communities," says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. "Her unwavering commitment to common-sense gun reform, even in the face of immense political pressure, is an inspiration to us all. We need more leaders like her in Washington, fighting for the safety and well-being of every American."

A Comprehensive Approach to School Security

In addition to her advocacy for stricter gun laws, Johnson has also championed a comprehensive approach to school security, recognizing that preventing tragedies like the Covenant shooting requires a multi-faceted strategy.

"Gun reform is crucial, but it's not the only piece of the puzzle," Johnson explains. "We need to invest in mental health resources, improve threat assessment protocols, and ensure that our schools have the necessary security measures in place to keep our children safe."

Johnson's plan includes increased funding for school counselors and psychologists, as well as the implementation of anonymous reporting systems for students and staff to report potential threats or concerning behavior. She also advocates for the installation of secure entry systems and the training of school personnel in emergency response protocols.

"Our children deserve to feel safe and secure in their learning environments," Johnson says. "By taking a comprehensive approach to school security, we can create an environment where students can thrive, free from the fear of violence or harm."

As the campaign for the U.S. Senate continues, Johnson remains steadfast in her commitment to gun safety and school security. Her message resonates with Tennesseans who have grown weary of the inaction and political gridlock surrounding these critical issues.

"Gloria Johnson is the voice we've been waiting for," says Sarah McBride, a parent and advocate from Nashville. "She understands the urgency of this issue, and she's not afraid to take on the powerful interests that have stood in the way of progress for far too long. With her in the Senate, I know that my children's safety will be a top priority."

For Johnson, the fight for gun safety and school security is more than just a political platform – it's a deeply personal mission, fueled by her unwavering dedication to protecting the lives of students and educators across Tennessee and the nation.

"As a former teacher, I know the fear and anxiety that comes with the threat of gun violence in our schools," Johnson says. "But I also know the power of hope, and the strength that comes from standing together and demanding change. That's what this campaign is all about – giving a voice to those who have been silenced, and working tirelessly to create a safer, more secure future for our children."

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