Empowering Our Greatest Resource: Our People
June 01, 2024

The most important resource our district has to offer isn’t our river, weather, or strategic location—it's our people. To drive the economy of the future, we must invest in the people of this district and show them their immense value. By doing this, we can propel our community forward and show emerging industry that our district is ready for the future

To do this, we can't afford to leave anyone behind; we are only as strong as our weakest link. That's why I believe in preparing our entire workforce and every child from birth onward. This means providing secondary training, technology literacy, grade school trade programs, apprenticeship experiences, and more. These programs are the lifeblood of growing our economy and vital to small business growth. Accordingly, I will prioritize tripling the number Department of Labor funded apprenticeship program graduates over the next four years. I want to ensure we are funding the education of our workforce and that funding is producing the workforce we need.

Finally, we must prioritize childcare and pre-K at a national level and in our district. These investments give the double benefit of enriching our workforce of today and tomorrow. Early childhood programs provide the physical, social, and academic foundation our workforce of the future needs, especially in impoverished areas that lack access. But these programs also give the peace of mind and flexibility that our workforce of today needs to be committed to learning and growing in new industries and technology. 

I truly believe that we are the workforce of the future. Let’s start educating and preparing for it now. 


Press Contact: Deedrick Jeffries, Campaign Manager. 901-568-4465, info@corey4congress.com


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Corey Strong is qualified
to put Memphis and the 9th district back on the map

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