Free Media Support for Local Businesses and NonProfits
Together we Can Do This!
Content, Marketing, and Media Help for Local Businesses and NonProfits
JustMy is using our NewsStand and Profile services to help local non-profits and small business owners, we know times are hard so we aren't turning anyone away. How are we helping? We are giving away MyProfile Pro for free! Sign up as a user and get your free membership today to get access to your free MyProfile Pro!
What's Included?
Premium Profile Listing on your Local JustMy with maps, content, videos, bios, and more. The perfect tool for sharing your message.
Featured in Channels & Categories related to your services
Coupons & Deals
Newsletter Service
Digital Business Cards for your Team
Ask the Experts, Lead Building Service
Sales, Announcements, and Portfolio Publishing
Let's Get Started
1. Regist to get your free membership and learn how to create and use a profile for your organization here.
2. Download MyProfile & You
We put everything you needed to know about using your profile and getting the most out of it in the PDF MyProfile & You
3. Our Team will send you a Welcome email with some added bonuses and perks just for using your new Profile on JustMy. Let's #BeAmazing Together!
Free or Pay What You Can Advertising, Content, Video, and Social Media support for businesses and non-profits impacted by Covid-19. Call JR Robinson 615.241.3040 or email for questions.
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