Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have subscribed to my weekly newsletter and engaged with the District 12 Info Hub. Your support and participation mean the world to me as I strive to be a community leader who truly shows up for our district every day.

When I launched this digital platform powered by the innovative #pitchCLUB service from JustMyMemphis, my goal was to create a space where we could come together, share ideas, and work collaboratively to address the needs and concerns of our community. Your overwhelming response and active involvement have made this vision a reality.

Through the Info Hub, you have shared valuable insights, submitted event details using myFORMS, and kept me informed about the issues that matter most to you. This two-way communication has been invaluable, and it has allowed me to better understand and advocate for the priorities of District 12.

I am truly humbled by your commitment to our community and your willingness to engage with me through these digital channels. Your support reinforces my belief that together, we can build a stronger, more connected, and more vibrant District 12.

As we move forward, I remain dedicated to being a transparent and accessible representative. I will continue to leverage the power of technology to keep you informed, seek your input, and work tirelessly to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you, once again, for your trust and for being active participants in this journey. Together, we are shaping the future of our district, one step at a time.

Warmest regards,
Erika Sugarmon
Shelby County Commissioner, District 12