I’m Alex. I voyage around the world, alternating between swashbuckling skullduggery and gallant gallivanting depending on the alignment of the stars.
… or so I’d like to think.
Actually, I’m just a scruffy twenty-something from the United States who decided to quit her desk job and screw off to travel the world for a while.
I live out of a backpack, enjoy wandering hither and thither, and often get lost with purpose (as well as without). My current trajectory is taking me through uncommon destinations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. You won’t find me sipping coconut water on a beach in Bali!
(Not yet, anyway.)
Lost With Purpose
Yo! I’m Alex. A twenty-something girl from the United States, I ditched my apartment to live out of a backpack. Cultures call to me, maps lie to me, and I’ll go anywhere so long as there are friendly faces and wild places.
I’m Alex. I voyage around the world, alternating between swashbuckling skullduggery and gallant gallivanting depending on the alignment of the stars.
… or so I’d like to think.
Actually, I’m just a scruffy twenty-something from the United States who decided to quit her desk job and screw off to travel the world for a while.
I live out of a backpack, enjoy wandering hither and thither, and often get lost with purpose (as well as without). My current trajectory is taking me through uncommon destinations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. You won’t find me sipping coconut water on a beach in Bali!
(Not yet, anyway.)
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